Product Name:Gold Panning Pan for Alluvial Gold Washing Screening/Gold washing pan gold extraction pan tool from river gold find equipment metal search by hand
Size:38cm*8cm/ 36cm*8cm
Operation 1. Put some dirt in your gold pan, but not too much, start small. 2. Completly Lower your pan into a tub of water. 3. Shake your pan in the water to turn your dirt 'soupy'. Don't spill any out yet. 4. Tilt your pan slightly and wash water in and out, dirt should be carried out with the water. 5. After washing out some dirt, level out your pan again and shake it some more. 6. Repeat this process until just the heaviest black sands and gold remain. 7. Swirl water across the black sands and tap the edge of your pan to help seperate the gold from sand.